
A NLP Based chrome extension build with JavaScript and Python-Flask

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A NLP based Chrome extension build with JavaScript and Python-Flask.


Installation :wrench:

  1. Download the repository by clicking clone or Download button.
  2. In your Chrome browser:More Tools > Extensions > Load Unpacked > Downloaded Folder >> Select the app Folder.
  3. Viola!! you are good to go.

Setting Up :electric_plug:

As of Now it uses Flask API based backend (can be a centralised single server as well). To set it up on your environment:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Open python shell :
      import nltk'stopwords')
  3. Change Path to backend directory and run python You’ll Now see your Flask API running.
  4. If you are not running it on localhost set your ip in settings variable in background.js file.

How to USE :mag:

After setting up you can use it like:


In Google Word2Vec model these kind of possiblities are covered. image

Contributions :computer:

  1. Vishal
  2. Vikas Gupta

Contributions are Welcome :blush:.